June 11, 2011 by SBW Team   Comments (0)

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south asia, social business planning, social business financing, running social businesses, social businesses under development, social business f.a.q.s

Dhaka - The theme for this year's event will be "Achieving the Millennium Development Goals through Social Business". The event wants to encourage people, companies and governments to think of Social Business as a sustainable way of achieving these goals.

More in general, Social Business Day will be a day to celebrate the accomplishments so far, and to get inspired to become a social business entrepreneur or a social business supporter.

Social Business Day will take place in Dhaka, Bangladesh on June 28, 2011. Specific information can be found at the Yunus Centre website (http://www.yunuscentre.org/).

If you don't live in Bangladesh but would like to participate, Social Business Earth (http://www.socialbusinessearth.org/) can assist you with logistics, travel arrangements, hotel accommodation and visits to the existing social  businesses. Get more information at [email protected].